Smut Slam Amsterdam on Kink: Spanksterdam is there!

Smut Slam is a monthly open stage where visitors share stories about sex. The narrators are not trained comedians or storytellers, but simply visitors sharing their stories. Each time on a different theme, encouraged by the audience. Sunday, Jan. 28, the theme is kink and fetish. So you want to be there!

Hostess and showgirl Bustie La Tish talks everything up and creates a great atmosphere. Sometimes it is touching, sometimes funny, but always special. Umaversity Ambassador and Sexual Wellness Coach Danique Scipio offers tips on kink and fetish in your relationship and sex life.

Spanksterdam will be present with a small sales table. Offer: with the purchase of a paddle, you get a Spanksterdam T-shirt or beanie as a gift.

More info and tickets at Umaversity

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